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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Another great personality… Adolph Hitler

Now I’ll talk you about another idol … not really an idol, but a person who need to be respected, not only hated.

Now, if you ignore the fact that Hitler hated the Jewish we can say that Adolph Hitler is a man what need to be followed…

Why?... I know that know you are wondering if I`m mad, but no… if you stay to study the life of Hitler ( he have a book- Mein Kemp (My life)) you realize that he is not so had how the press says, we can say that he fought for his dream.

Now we arrived to interesting part… the Hitler dream. We all know that almost all leaders have a dream; a dream what is imagined often in the teenage. The Adolph Hitler dream was to lead the world ( what to me it looks great, because only a earthly leader will could make the world better, or worse…). But if this dream of Hitler had realized, probably now we should be smarter, with blue eyes, blond hair; we should have the first earthly civilities and probably the next 100 years Hitler would be the God. But if this had happened probably the humanity is losing very fast the traditions, the God veneration (probably something good) etc.

I’m asking if someone agree with Hitler dream, but the poor Jewish doesn’t deserve that. Hitler could just deny to Jewish to make kids and probably his end now should be write different in the history books.

Remain the great question… do you think that Hitler should realize his scope?

I think that yes…may be not in his period, but now when the humans are interconnected we should have a universal lieder… for example we should be a great USA (for example)…

I think that this is all what I wanted to say, I hope that you’ll comment (in this way we can share better our ideas)…

PS: In the next day I’ll write more about why I think that a earthly leadership is necessary! Best wishes!

Friday, January 16, 2009

I`m atheist?

I don`t know if I`m atheist because recently I post a comment on youtube and somebody told me that he don`t cares if I`m atheist or not, he just gived me an advice... to search the truth on the both sides, the atheists and the theists. I knew that this I need to do, but this man told me this so objective that I couldn`t stay indiferent.
From now I promise that allmost always I will try to give theistic and atheistic argues (the atheist ones are many...) because if the God really exist I can believe in him, but there is allmost no proove wath admit his existance. For example, 2000 years ago I`m sure that a man (a christian) couldn`t think so easily that the God is not real... but it was some, for example Toma who doesn`t believed in Jesus (not in form wath he were... Son of God).
If you have any evidnece of God existance I`ll be glad to listen them, and more, I`ll be glad to comment them, to discuss with you. I really don`t understant why I decided to be atheist, yeah, I know that my brain said to me that this is the truth, but in the childhood it was so nice with a God, every time when I was making a good job I was pleasing God to write it in the Life Book.. and all this for wath? To become at teenage an atheist, a man who don`t fear about God, who weak feels of love, and strong feel of hate... It`s really tragic for me because when I was kid I was a very silent boy, who doesn`t talk to anybody, not really with his parents, his only friends was some animals and he was thinking that God will take him in Heaven. But know I know that this was only a dream... In the first I started to hate the church because she never help people, who wants only to get rich... secondly I started to hate thats who go to church only fir conversatiopn, only to see their neighboor that they are beliefull, thirdly I started to hate that monks who incest, who swear, who (beep..) kids... In the end I started to hate God because he don`t do anything with hi kingdom from earth... after that I started to study other religions and I discovered that the situation is the same... and AFTER THAT.. I started to not hate more God because I understood that he is inocent, he is not bad, his guilty is only that he don`t exist... but in my soul remained Jesus, not in this form how the majority of christians see it: The Son of God... I see like a great man, a man wath the humanity should follow (except the suicide), but I resprect him how I respect actualy Dalai Lama, the pacifists, the atheists who know that they are making the God: good or evil... I have the greatest respect for this man and for many others... but not saints because allmost all saits was killers...
But, let return to our story... from this good kid wath I was, now I have problems with drogs sellers (I was allready to become one), I dream that I`ll be a bad person, an evil person who won`t have any kind of emotions... I dream this maybe because I want to make my life an anti-childhool if we can say that, I mean that I want to make in my life exactly wath I hated to do in childhool.
Anyway, I hope that somebody there, in back of the display will have the kindness to explain me (with solid argues) that God exist... I thin that this theory: "If you don`t believe in God and God don`t exist you don`t loose anything, but if the God exists you`ll loose everything" of Blaise Pascal is playing with my mind, but wath makes a buddish man who don`t believe in God because we all know that the majority of buddists are very goods... they will lose everything (is God so evil and don`t gaved tham the chance of Heaven?)...
How I said, I`m very confused and I need your help... I know that nobody can give me a response, but some advices everyone can...
But I`m asking... I`m atheist or not?


I thank you a lot if you read this post!

About Carl Sagan...

Carl Sagan is world-famous for writing popular science books and for co-writing and presenting the award-winning 1980 television series Cosmos: A Personal Voyage, which has been seen by more than 600 million people in over 60 countries, making it the most widely watched PBS program in history.[2] A book to accompany the program was also published. He also wrote the novel Contact, the basis for the 1997 Robert Zemeckis film of the same name starring Jodie Foster. During his lifetime, Sagan published more than 600 scientific papers and popular articles and was author, co-author, or editor of more than 20 books. In his works, he frequently advocated skeptical inquiry, secular humanism, and the scientific method.
He was a great man... You can see lower some videos with him... And he was ATHEIST!
But... I want to ask you something... He said once: "The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence."... I`m asking... if this would apply to God that means that the God may exist, but he was atheist... or he refered by this quote at aliens (this is my opinion)....
And more... if we say that in a bottle of water there are an infinite nomber of universes... the Carl Sagan quote is not so corect...
Anyway... I`ll study more about this man and I`ll try to give a respond... dont` forget that I`m 15 old ;)...

Carl Sagan - Pale Blue Dot

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Why I write in this blog...

Somebody asked me why I write in this blog because I don`t have very many visitors... Some seconds and I was wondering why I write...
But... I remembered that I write because I want to find out and the others opinion... because I want to know if I`m wrong and if it`s like that ... why? Because allmost all the evidence wath the humanity have argue that the God doesn`t exist... at least in this form how we think that he is... a personal God...
If you are a reader (this is something new) I hope that you`ll say me if I`m wrong by writing in this blog.... and why?

About the Holy Bible...

Don`t matter how we are, atheists or theists we opened or at least we heard about the Hly Bible...
Wath is my opinion about the Holy Bible?... I think that it is the best history book, but not the most true....
The bible offers us at least a perspective to life... the majority of us believed in God in the childhodo... by saying to tour kid that there is a Man in the sky who see wath you do, who know wath to think... you can educate your kid better and you explain him in a primitive way the nature...
The bible offers us some of the best advices ... I`m atheist, but this is the truth...
The bible offers for the simple man (and not only) instructions about how should be their life...

BUT... we steal need to remember that the Bible had changed allmost every centurie... every powerfull man wanted to change the Bible in their personal interests... we say that this is not fair, but is very fair because that aede the Bible to evoluate...
I hope your opinion about the Holy Bible...

You should be atheist...

You should be atheist, because the atheist aren`t so prisoned in their mind, they can think better than a theist because when he thinks he don`t stay to think so much that God will punish him ... an atheist is a beast and he eats only the true... an atheist (a smart one) always gives arguments (using chemestry, phisique) about wath he think that is real...
But I can`t say that is good to be an atheist... I can say that to be an atheist you need to pay, you need to pay very much, al your life... you won`t feel the love how you felt it in the past... I can sau that you`ll allmost hate that who is a loving person... If you`ll become an atheist you should know that you`ll think more with your brain, not with your heart...
Wath can I say more???... If you are an atheist, remain atheist... if you are a theist, ....... you CAN remain theist............!

You shouldn`t be atheist...

If you can... you should be a christian because like that the life is simpler... you don`t need to think so much at was is good ora wath is bad... you have the Holy Bible, but remains the greatest question... do you think that you would accept at old that you was lided almost all your life... I think that you wouldn`t accept at old that you was lided and you`ll believe next... So, i recomand, I please to don`t be atheists...
The list of reasons is veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery long...
-it`s posibly that the God to send you in hell
-you`ll never stop in your life for searching the truth about religions
-you are looked by others like a "freak", or worse, like a satanist or something like that
-you won`t believe that you`ll meet your mom and dad in heaven
-you`ll be very afraid about the idea that in the moment od deadh... you`ll die... forever
Anyway... I`m an atheist but I want to be a theist, but my mind doesn`t allows me that... Who knows... maybe in future I`ll be a very good theist (I hope)...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

You should be atheist...

Why I think that the peoples must be atheists...??
Probably you imagine that I have a demonic head... but is not true, I think that an atheist is more conscious than a christian... for example Bill Gates is a very conscious man because he realize that he musn`t say: "God help them...", he know that we are leading us, not the greatest God...
I`m giving you naother example... the buddism have (I think) the most valuable quotes (I`m not sure if it`s quote, but my english don`t allows me to write something else)... and they don`t believe in God...anyway, and they have some defect in their religion, but we are humans...
I don`t say that the God is not necesarily, but now I`m refering only to thats who have an IQ upper than 100... because an idiot (sorry for my language) will kill, will stole, will do all the bads if he don`t believe that someone in the sky is watching him... remenber: God is necesarily for simple people... the intelects should know that they aren`t governed by a supreme God... they should know that they make the God: good or bad... I hope that good...
Because my english is not even acceptable I hope that you`ll comment to ask me more...( I promise that I`ll answer)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

About Darwin`s theory...

Today I`ll go to the library and I`ll try to the book wath contains Darwin theory...
I know very well that this theory it`s talking about the human evolutionism, but it`s allways better when you see the original source...
So, by this theory it means that I`m a kind of monkey (a stupid monkey... of course)??
Yeah... this theory fix with the science evidence...
But I`m wondering wath made that monkey to walk, to think....? Don`t forget that I`m atheist, or at least I`m a deist and I don`t believe that God...
Lower is a movie about
Darwin`s theory...


Another day of my life...

Today it was another day of my life... my aheist life...but today i tried to explain to a friend to a theis friend why I am atheist... I`m ure that he doesn`t believed me but ...
He started to say that God is ... and I intrerupted and I said that he`s worong because there is not God, he watched me very strange because he is a very beliefull persone...
I tried to explain him more about the deism because I know that he loves phisique ... I`m not sure if I was corect, but I said him that the God is the cause who made the Big Bang, I said him that by deism theory the God only a cause and after he had gone ... I mean that he doesn`t spoked with us by Holy Bible...
I need to say that this theory (deism theory) it looks to me corect... only if there is a God...
But I`m only a simple student and I don`t know so much about this ... so if you can help, please coment!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Mahatma Gandhi

Another great personality wath I respect is Mahatma Gandhi... he is a kind of man who knows how to make other people to follow him... at least I know that I want to have at least 1% of his judgement...
I have some favorite Mahatma Gandhi quotes.. .but the greatest quote I think that is : "Be the change wath you want to se in the world"...
This quote is very similar by my dream.... my dream is to be something in this god damn world...because i think that only if you make something special in your life you`ll can live more, your spirit will be more kept in humanity mind...
I`m very sad because he had a terible dead, he was killed... but maybe this is one of the best deads because you not fell almost anything, you don`t know when is your "End Hour".
Now I remembered another quote, it sounds like that: "Live like you should die tomorow and learn like you should live forever" (I`m not sure if is that, but it`s similar)... This is a very signifigant quote... every kid should know this quote...
I hope that you enjoyed this post... and please... coment!

Why I`m atheist... part 3

I`m atheist because I can`t accept the idea of God, my ration doesn`t let me to accept it... I`m asking why so much scientist doesn`t believe in God...
But, i`m wondering... if an individ doesn`t believe in God, but all his life it`s a good persone, if he`s doing only good things and if there is a God, does this individ`ll go in heaven or in hell?
If he`ll be sended in hell is unfair because all his life he was a good persone...isn`t it?
I think that, in this case, the God is guilty because the poor individ hadn`t any evidence of Gos existance...
But, in the fact... these thinks are much greater than us... how could we know so important answers??...
Anyway, if there is a God, he is very unfair... He`s not giving the oportunity to believe like the Bible says... because if it would be like that, in the world wouldn`t exist more than 1000 gods...
Like Einstein said ...something like that: "I`m wondering if the God had any choices when he made the world."


Yesterday I saw a movie: Zeitgest... and it realy impresionated me, but I`m very angry because they don`t tried to respect the christians... but maybe that they diserves...
This movie it`s a movie... Maybe you don`t understand wath I`m tring to say, but this is a movie cause is 10% true and 70% false... the rest of 20% I can`t say if it`s true or false...
George Carlin says : "Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man -- living in the sky -- who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do.. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time! ..But He loves you."...
Yeah... " he loves you"... how can he love youif he`ll send you in the hell to burn forever?
I`m wayting that some christians to say me how can he love me...

PS: Don`t forget that I`m atheist and I can`t be convinced so easily...

Da Vinci Code

Recently I read the Da Vinci Code...
Firstly I need to say that Dan Brown changed my perception about the church... why?... this I`ll try to explain yours in few sentences...
Wath impresed me about this book is the fact that Dan Brown is presenting the action of the book in a way wath makes the reader to become one with the book...
Dan Brown says that Jesus was married by Mary Magdalene, one evidence is that Leonardo da Vinci painted in "The last Supper" Jesus with Mary Magdalene, he and she are forming "Ying Yank"... men&women...
Do you know that in 3th century the church decided that Jesus is devine?? How could they know, after 300 years that Jesus is divine? ... They couldn`t, but who could be against the great Constantine?... Now we talk about Constantine, do you know that he wasn`t Christian, he became Christian only by political reasons, he made up a hybrid religion betwen his religion and the jewish religion... that`s the reason why we celebrate the day of God sunday, not saturday like jewish.
It`s an interesting book... everyone should read it because 50% of it it`s true...
I don`t have enough time to say wath`s hapening in the book, but if you have any question, post a coment and I`ll be glad to respond you...

Albert Einstein...

We all know that Einstein=scientist... but I don`t understand why does he believed in God? wath evidence does he had?
Albert Einstein believed very much in God, he realy had the oportunity to be the Israel president, but he refused...
He is a man who receives all my respect, he is a person who don`t need to be described because his own life prooves that he was one of the greatest man...
But now.... I~m wayting for yours some information to understand better why does he believed so much in God..
It`s posible that his education is the reason why he believe in God?... or he discovered in his life that the God realy exists?...
I`m not capable to respond to this question, but I don`t know that there is something who break the rulz of phisique... because if there is somethinf wath break the rulz of phisique, Einstein could be influenced by that...
But it remains the biggest question... WHY?

Why I`m atheist... part2

Whi I`m atheist...
One reason is that the Darwin theory is not accepted by the church...
I`m asking why the church does not accept this theory, I know that this means that the first man of the planet wasn`t Adam but.... I think that I would apreciate more the church if this organisation will give more evidence of God existance....

Why I`m atheist... part 1

Every day I`ll post something about wath I`m atheist in hope that someone will tell me if my brain works well or unwell.
Today I say that I`m atheist because the most solid evidence of God existance is the Bible and the Bible does not match very much with the humanity history...

PS: Sorry for my english!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Dalai Lama 2

Now I can post...
Like I said in the last post, in this post I will talk you more anout "why I admir Dalai Lama".
Well,... I admire Dalai Lama cause` he is a great man, he is one of the most important persones of the world, he is very or better said, he is the most spiritual man of the world.
My dream is to meet him personal, I don`t know why, but this is one of the greatest dreams of myne. I think that this meeting would gave me spiritual power...
But, in the end... I`m an atheist... why I want so much to meet this man??
Well, this is a complicated job because I`m not sure that I`m an atheist-atheist because I hope that there is a God, a God who will forgive me my atheist years.
"My atheist years"... I speak already to the past... it`s posible to exist a supreme God, a pesonal God? If so, why he doesn`t letted us some solid evedence of his existance... I understand that now 1000 years ago the Holy Bible was a enough evidence, but now the Bible doesn`t match with the human history, with the Darwin theory... It remains the great question: "WHY?".
I could say that I want to talk about that with Dalai Lama, but in the end, and he is a man like us, how could he know WHY? ... and more, he not believe in God, and they are a kind of atheist religion...
But who am I to jusge them?... I`m not capable to understand my own religion... not the 0thers...
Anyway... Dalai Lama gets all my respect... he is one of the persone wath humanity needs...
Now let`s imagine that 10 % persones of the earth are like Dalai Lama (I say "imagine" because this isn`t posible in this word..) ... how would be the world?... I don`t know how the world would be, but I know that will be less warsm less hungry kids, less murders... much more humanity.
I hope that you understood wath I wanted to say... cause my english sucks!
I hope that you enjoyes this post and I wait any comments...
One more time... my greatest respect for Dalai Lama!

Dalai Lama

I post again...
I`m atheist but I have a great respect for Dalai Lama... my dream is to meet him once and to ask him a lot of questions...
First of all I apreciate them because he is very good, at least I know that he is very good... and he is very inteligent, he always know how to talk to the peolple, wath to talk to the people and he know why tot talk to the people... I admire him for his simple life.
I don`t have enough time , but tomorow I will explain why I apreciate Dalai Lama.
Sorry for my english!

The last road..

Today my grandfa will become part of the earth... I`m very sad, now I realise tgat he is gone, he is gone forever... Now I want to exist a God, the greatest God who promise us the Heaven. My grandfa was a very good person, he akways loved me, loved my mother, loved my sister.... He was a very funny person...
I need to add that in my childhood I was very isolated, I was very unsociable because my friends called me "The mute" because my grandfather was mute, but this created betwen me and him a very stron relationship... he was always crying when I was cryind, I was always crying when he was crying...
In the past... no, I don`t think that I should talk to the past because he`s spirit is here, in my heart, in my mind... it`s something wath I can`t describe because`s something divine...
In know that I`m an atheist, or I beleve that I`m an atheist but it most be something there, something, greater than us...
Anyway, yesterday the priest came in our house and said something abot the "second life", but how hard I wanted to beleve, I couln`t` believe...
Now I`m preparing to drive my grandfather to the last road... the last road... it sounds so bizare.. how can this be the last road... Albert Einstein said that nothing`s loosing, everything is changing... that means that he still exists?... sure that exists, but I`m referinf if he exists spiritualy..?
Yeah... al that question are driving us to the supreme question.... "There is God?"

Saturday, January 10, 2009

My grandfa is dead...

I wiil try to tell you in few lines something about today.... Today my grandfather died and he leted our family crying on his foot, but this is the fundamental law of Universe, you always need top pay with your life for your mistake to live. When my grandfather died I saw all the scene... my mother was crying, my sister was crying, my dad was always crying but don`t know why` I was almost enjoying the scene... Now you`re thinking that I`m satanic, but no... I was wnjoying only because he was dead, his brain had died long time ago...
From that moment I stay and I`m thinking why I think so bad, because let`s be honestly now, he was my grandfather...
I need to tell you that my grandfather was mute, he couldn`t hear and he was an "idiot"(I don`t want to offen his remember, but this he was, the greates God caused him an accident in the childhood and from that moment he was incapable to think normal).

The atheism

It passes by 5 seconds from the creating of my blog. This is my blog, in this blog i will post every day with information about the atheism. First of all I need to say that I`m only fifteen and I recently discovered that I`m an atheist or an agnostic or a deist.. who knows...
I hope that you`ll help me to understand better wath is God... or if the God is real...