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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

About Darwin`s theory...

Today I`ll go to the library and I`ll try to the book wath contains Darwin theory...
I know very well that this theory it`s talking about the human evolutionism, but it`s allways better when you see the original source...
So, by this theory it means that I`m a kind of monkey (a stupid monkey... of course)??
Yeah... this theory fix with the science evidence...
But I`m wondering wath made that monkey to walk, to think....? Don`t forget that I`m atheist, or at least I`m a deist and I don`t believe that God...
Lower is a movie about
Darwin`s theory...


Another day of my life...

Today it was another day of my life... my aheist life...but today i tried to explain to a friend to a theis friend why I am atheist... I`m ure that he doesn`t believed me but ...
He started to say that God is ... and I intrerupted and I said that he`s worong because there is not God, he watched me very strange because he is a very beliefull persone...
I tried to explain him more about the deism because I know that he loves phisique ... I`m not sure if I was corect, but I said him that the God is the cause who made the Big Bang, I said him that by deism theory the God only a cause and after he had gone ... I mean that he doesn`t spoked with us by Holy Bible...
I need to say that this theory (deism theory) it looks to me corect... only if there is a God...
But I`m only a simple student and I don`t know so much about this ... so if you can help, please coment!