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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

You should be atheist...

Why I think that the peoples must be atheists...??
Probably you imagine that I have a demonic head... but is not true, I think that an atheist is more conscious than a christian... for example Bill Gates is a very conscious man because he realize that he musn`t say: "God help them...", he know that we are leading us, not the greatest God...
I`m giving you naother example... the buddism have (I think) the most valuable quotes (I`m not sure if it`s quote, but my english don`t allows me to write something else)... and they don`t believe in God...anyway, and they have some defect in their religion, but we are humans...
I don`t say that the God is not necesarily, but now I`m refering only to thats who have an IQ upper than 100... because an idiot (sorry for my language) will kill, will stole, will do all the bads if he don`t believe that someone in the sky is watching him... remenber: God is necesarily for simple people... the intelects should know that they aren`t governed by a supreme God... they should know that they make the God: good or bad... I hope that good...
Because my english is not even acceptable I hope that you`ll comment to ask me more...( I promise that I`ll answer)


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